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Board of Health Minutes 04/01/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h

M i n u t e s
Wednesday, April 1st 2009
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman

Also Present:   Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying), Lev and Jen Wlodyka (3-65), Marina Lent (BOH Secretary)

Minutes of March 18th, 2009 approved as amended.

Stevens (30-59) Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn) presented a scaled-back plan for a complete-system upgrade at 1 Boston Hill Road.  Plans to construct a guesthouse have been shelved for now, however, a new septic system is still needed.  The plan calls for a system to serve the existing 4-bedroom house, with capacity to accommodate one more bedroom in a guesthouse.  The existing well has been pump- and potability-tested, and was found to be in good working order.   The Board confirmed that the existing garage has no water hook-up or sleeping space, and approved the proposal as revised March 26, 2009.

Merkel-Shanus (27-3)    Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn) presented a proposal to build a 9-bedroom septic system on a 7.3 acre lot.  The existing 5-bedroom dwelling will be replaced by a new 5-bedroom dwelling, the existing 2-bedroom bunkhouse will remain, and a guesthouse with two bedrooms could be added in the future.  The proposal is for two complete Title 5 compliant systems.  Mike Renahan questioned why the excess capacity was being proposed, and stated a preference for approving a system for the existing 7 bedrooms. Members noted that the plan will require Conservation Commission approval in addition to BOH approval, because of its proximity to wetlands. Two out of three members of the Board approved the proposed plan.

Wlodyka (3-65)  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) reported that soil testing on the possible youth lot under consideration had revealed a perched water table at 4 ½ feet.  A drip dispersal system would be possible with ca. 1’ mounded soil.  The system would require a leaching field-to-property line variance and a wetlands separation variance.  Wetlands have been flagged.  The Board stressed the importance of creation of a Youth Lot as opposed to a Resident Homesite.  It appears clear that the owner is interested only in this particular youth lot proposal.  The Board proposed a hearing date of May 6th to review the disposal works plan.

Cicilline  (12-53)      Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) presented a proposal for a new septic system to service a proposed 6-bedroom house.  The plan will serve to demonstrate the potential of the property to a future buyer.  Having satisfied itself that the proposal as presented is Title 5 compliant, the Board approved the proposal.

Middle Line Road Well Permits (13-43) Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying) presented well permit plans showing placement of wells and distances from proposed septic systems.  The following well permits were approved:  Assessor Map13 Lot43.3; Map13 Lot 43.4; Map13-43.5;  Map13-43.6 and Map 13-43.7.

The BOH does not have a well permit application for Map13 Lot 43.1 or for the proposed fire well.  Map 13 Lot 43.2 involves three separate wells, for Rental Sites #2, 5 and 8, respectively.  BOH has received only one well permit for this lot.  BOH will need two additional permits to accompany the plans submitted by Reid Silva.  Marina will follow up with Island Water Source, Inc..

Street (14-19.1) A well permit application was received from Island Water Source to abandon an existing well and drill a new well as depicted on a well relocation site plan of 3/24/2009 produced by Billingham and Associates, Inc.

The Board noted that a recently-completed septic system upgrade which had been approved by the BOH in 4/2006, for which an as-built was received from engineer Frank Daly on 1/15/2009, appears on the Billingham plan as a “proposed” tanks and leaching system, and that property lines appear on the 2009 plan which were not evident in 2006.

The Board felt that further clarification re: subdivision of the property would be needed prior to approving the well permit application.

Lee (33-123) The Board approved a well permit application the plan for which, including one proposed variance of the separation of well-to-leaching field from 150’ to 106’, it had reviewed and accepted at its meeting of 3/4/2009.

Fenner (11-35)  Well completion report received. Marina Lent will obtain letter from Mr. Fenner regarding well-to-leaching field separation

Food Establishment Inspections done: All Island Seafood

Updating BOH Regulations  Deadline for submission of amended/updated regulations to Town Meeting for a vote is August 3rd, 2009.  Marina Lent will prepare an overview of possible amendments to the BOH Regulations.

Seminar on Mosquitoes, Bats, Biology and DOA Rules and Regs,
May 8 9am-12noon.  Jan Buhrman and Marina Lent will attend.

BOH Role in Burial Permitting:  Jan Buhrman will work with Marina Lent to review and clarify statutory responsibilities of the BOH with respect to deaths and burials in the Town of Chilmark.

Landfill Mowing: Mike Renahan noted that the DEP-mandated mowing of the capped landfill extends only to within a few feet of the inside of the fence, leaving thick and ragged growth along the fence.  He would like to see the mowing extended a short distance beyond the fence, so that the fence can be kept free of overgrowth.  Mike will speak to Don Hatch (MVRD) about our options.

Beach Testing  Marina Lent reported that the Department of Public Health pays the cost of testing public beaches.  Marina Lent will determine who collects samples at the Great Rock Bight beach.

Lucy Vincent Beach   Board members noted that a large plastic tub left at the entrance to LVB is being used as a receptacle for dog-waste baggies.  Marina Lent will find out who is responsible for the condition of the beach parking lot and have the tub removed to discourage discard of waste at the entrance to the beach.

Invoices:  The Board approved the following invoices for payment:  

·       Landfill mowing contract for June 2009  $575.00;  
·       New England Water Works Association (NEWWA) course on Introduction to Cross Connection Control, $ 190;  
·       NEWWA course on Fundamentals of Water System Hydraulics, $290;  
·       Liz Gude,  deep hole observations  $810.-

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

These minutes have been transcribed from a recording.  The recording is on file and available for perusal.